Frustracija I Frustration

A ne dragi čitatelji, u mom bitku rijetko prebiva ljutnja, zbog toga neće ovaj tekst biti iskaljivanje i smaranje nepotrebnim stvarima, ali ipak … malo frustracije nakon računa koji su pristigli tijekom prvog mjeseca u moju tvrtku, otvorilo mi je oči i bilo je jasno – pokrali su nas.

Kad kažem “nas” mislim na sve poduzetnike koji su u recimo 12.mjesecu 2022., a i u prvim mjesecima 2023. godine dobili račune za plin. Tada su računi bili šokantno veliki i za moj uredski prostor koji je veličinom 150 m2 iznosio 888,14 € (s PDV-om i to još sniženim!), međutim za prosinac 2023. godine, došao je račun u pola iznosa niži – i nije da se žalim – ali sorry, očito je da nas je netko dobro pokrao. Jer ako je moja tvrtka dobila takve račune, dobili su i drugi, stoga molim lijepo – molim da mi netko objasni – što se dogodilo?

Idemo dalje, plaćam parkirnu kartu, na godišnjoj razini u svome gradu kako bih mogla bez razmišljanja parkirati svoj auto i gle čuda – odlukom Uprave gradske tvrtke od 9/2023. cijena parkinga je poskupila pa sam tako za 2023.godinu platila kartu 132,70 €, a od ove godine je cijena istog 300,00 €. Super. Naravno da je plaćena. Naravno da ja nemam svoj parking niti mogu dobiti još koju kartu za svoje zaposlenike. Naravno da ako nema mjesta ni ne mogu parkirati. Naravno da je parking isti kao i do sada. Naravno da nikoga nije briga.

I tako, nema veze, svejedno je moja frustracija veća, ipak, u većim gradovima, osobito u Zagrebu, kada ideš nešto obaviti. Osim parkinga, vrijeme za održati par sastanaka mora biti u velike organizirano i zbog parkinga, ali i zbog uvijek prisutnih gužvi. Često se dogodi da nešto moram i otkazati i uglavnom me takvi dani u Zagrebu ili bilo kojem većem gradu frustriraju, kao i vjerujem mnoge od Vas. Onda svi spominju dobru organizaciju – vjerujte mi jako sam dobro organizirana ali nekad to ne vrijedi.

Frustracija u malom gradu nastane kada trebaš nešto hitno kupiti – vrijeme tada nije ključan faktor ali, pronaći nešto, e to je sad već mala lutrija. I ne pričam o nekim može bitno velikim stvarima – recimo trebam obični radni stol – i nema veze što ima par salona namještaja u gradu – baš sad nitko to nema – niti jedan pokazni, tek po narudžbi…ili na web-u.

Ok. Eto me opet za računalom. Web i ja i malo frustracije dok probavam naručiti dostavu hranu jer me i u maloj sredini zatekao posao, pa smo kćer i ja odlučili nešto pojesti. Nema tu kod nas dostavljačkih kuća niti radnika koji dodatno zarađuju. Ali nema nekad niti ikoga da ti uistinu i dostavi hranu – jer ih je malo, a narudžbi puno. Ne mogu jesti web, mislim se. Bit će red i nešto skuhati, srećom pa su mi kulinarske vještine jako dobre.

Dok sam napisala tekst, sve te moje frustracije su uz odličnu večeru prošle.

Rekla sam vam, ako se nešto i naljutim brzo me prođe…

P.s. u međuvremenu je pukla, četvrti puta, u mjesec dana, cijev u ulici i nemamo vode.

Frustracija, ma ne…



Oh dear, there is rarely anger in my battle, that’s why this text will not be a rant and a waste of unnecessary things, but still … a little frustration after the invoices that arrived at my company during the first month, it opened my eyes and it was clearly – we were robbed.

When I say “us”, I mean all entrepreneurs who received gas bills in, say, the 12th month of 2022, and in the first months of 2023. At that time, the bills were shockingly large and for my office space, which was 150 m2 in size, it amounted to €888.14 (with VAT and even reduced!), but for December 2023, the bill came for half the amount lower – and it’s not that I’m complaining – but sorry, it’s obvious that someone robbed us. Because if my company received such invoices, so did others, so please kindly – please someone explain to me – what happened?

Let’s move on, I pay a parking ticket, on an annual basis in my city, so that I can park my car without thinking, and behold miracles – the decision of the city company management from 9/2023. the price of parking has increased, so I paid €132.70 for the ticket in 2023, and from this year the price is €300.00. Super. Of course she’s paid. Of course, I don’t have my own parking lot, nor can I get another ticket for my employees. Of course, if there is no space, I cannot park. Of course, the parking is the same as before. Of course nobody cares.

And so, it doesn’t matter, all the same, my frustration is greater, however, in bigger cities, especially in Zagreb, when you go to do something. In addition to parking, the time for holding a couple of meetings must be organized to a great extent because of parking, but also because of the ever-present crowds. It often happens that I have to cancel something, and mostly such days in Zagreb or any larger city frustrate me, as I believe many of you do. Then everyone mentions good organization – believe me, I’m well organized, but sometimes it’s not worth it.

Frustration in a small town arises when you need to buy something urgently – time is not a key factor then, but finding something is a bit of a lottery. I’m not talking about some important big things – for example, I need an ordinary desk – and it doesn’t matter that there are a couple of furniture salons in the city – right now nobody has it – not a single demonstration, only by order…or on the web.

Alright. Here I am again at the computer. The web and me and a little frustration while trying to order food delivery because I was caught up in work even in a small environment, so my daughter and I decided to eat something. There are no delivery companies here or workers who earn extra money. But sometimes there is no one to actually deliver the food to you – because there are few and there are many orders. I can’t eat the web, I think. It will be my turn to cook something, luckily my culinary skills are very good.

While I wrote the text, all my frustrations were with a great evening last year.

I told you, if I get angry about something, I get over it quickly…

P.S. meanwhile, the pipe in the street broke, for the fourth time in a month, and we have no water.

Frustration, oh no…

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