Gdje je glava? I Where’s the head?

Ovu uzrečicu često upotrebljava jedna moja draga prijateljica, a i ja kada se pitam gdje nestane logika, kultura, ambicioznost, motivacija, fleksibilnost, ideje, kreativnost, maštovitost, hrabrost, učenje, napredak, pragmatičnost, spontanost, suosjećajnost, fokusiranost, tolerancija i niz drugih osobina koje bi bilo poželjno da ima svako ljudsko biće.

Uzimajući u obzir Maslowljevu piramidu čovjekovih potreba, za motivima, vrijednosti i potrebama kao i za samoostvarenjem, na par tjedana ugasim blog – i gle čuda – nitko ni da bi primijetio.

Eksperiment mi je uspio – ni trepnuti nećeš pasti ćeš u zaborav, što god jesi i odakle god došao, zamjenjiv si. Skroz.
Kako bih malo skrenula misli ovih dana s uobičajenih tema vezane za struku, odlučila sam malo skrenuti pozornost svojih razmišljanja i tako se odlučila za kupnju knjige – Best seller, kažu…krenem s čitanjem i do 43 strane sam izdržala i pomislih – molim? Pa gdje je glava? Ni s čim me još nije oduševila, osim samog naslova. Naslov me potjerao natrag, među standarde mog razmišljanja – poduzetništvo.
Između ostalog, često čitam razne postove na temu prodaje usluga, u raznim djelatnostima, ali moram reći, iako sama obavljam usluge, da to nije srž opstanka niti jedne ekonomije. Usluge su potrebne, ali moja fascinacija i fokus je ipak na proizvodnji.
Ako ste ikada bili u bilo kakvom pogonu koji proizvodi – prerađuje, onda tek vidite kakav je to trud potreban da se proizvede bilo što, što koristite svakodnevno.

Tehnologije koje su ugrađene u pogone mene ostavljaju bez riječi… Pogoni se često, ne male hale, u kojima je sve – početak i kraj života proizvoda. Svejedno je o kojoj proizvodnji pričam. Možda držite šalicu i pijete kavu – netko ju je proizveo ; sjedite u divnoj fotelji – netko ju je proizveo; živite u prekrasnom stanu ili kući, opremljenom s podovima, prozorima, raznim namještajem; koristite uređaje koji vam olakšavaju svakodnevne poslove – i to je sve netko u nekoj proizvodnji napravio. Tehnologijom, uz pomoć čovjekove sposobnosti da prepozna glavne ljestvice čovjekovih potreba i isporuči prema nama sve što je potrebno.

Proizvodnja je sve. Ako budete u prilici svakako preporučujem jedan obilazak nekog proizvodnog pogona – nebitno kakvog, možda vam se proširi svijet i upitate se za sve koji izmišljaju zakone – pa gdje je glava? Što potičete i kako?
Također donošenje Zakona koji nije jasan ni samom donositelju istog, me tjera da kažem prva – oprostite ne plaćamo vas zato da izmišljate načine kažnjavanja poduzetnika, nego da unaprijedite postojeće i date nam razloga da budemo zajedno jači. O kojem Zakonu pričam – pa o svim onim koje ovih dana treba primijeniti, a cilj je nejasan.

Ili radite ili nemojte. Otiđite u proizvodnju, možda će vam biti lakše kad vidite procese koje proizvode dobra.
Trenutno zakonodavac ne proizvodi ništa, doli opterećenja – i možda je vrijeme da mu se to jako glasno i kaže. Jer inače – gdje je glava?


Where’s the head?

This saying is often used by a dear friend of mine, and I too when I wonder where logic, culture, ambition, motivation, flexibility, ideas, creativity, imagination, courage, learning, progress, pragmatism, spontaneity, compassion, focus, tolerance and a number of others have disappeared. qualities that every human being would wish to have.
Taking into account Maslow’s pyramid of human needs, for motives, values and needs as well as for self-realization, I shut down the blog for a couple of weeks – and lo and behold – no one even noticed.
The experiment worked for me – you won’t even blink, you will fall into oblivion, whatever you are and wherever you come from, you are replaceable. Completely.
In order to divert my thoughts a little these days from the usual topics related to the profession, I decided to divert my attention a little and so I decided to buy a book – Best seller, they say… I started reading and I lasted until page 43 and thought – please? So where’s the head? She hasn’t wowed me with anything yet, except for the title itself. The title drove me back, among the standards of my thinking – entrepreneurship.
Among other things, I often read various posts on the topic of selling services, in various industries, but I must say, although I perform services myself, that this is not the core of the survival of any economy. Services are necessary, but my fascination and focus is still on production.
If you have ever been in any kind of manufacturing plant, then you can see the effort required to produce anything that you use every day.
The technologies that are built into the plants leave me speechless… They are often operated, not in small halls, where everything is – the beginning and the end of the life of the product. It doesn’t matter which production I’m talking about. Maybe you are holding a cup and drinking coffee – someone produced it; sit in a wonderful armchair – someone made it; you live in a beautiful apartment or house, equipped with floors, windows, various furniture; you use devices that make your daily tasks easier – and it was all made by someone in some production. With technology, with the help of man’s ability to recognize the main scales of man’s needs and deliver to us everything that is needed.
Production is everything. If you have the opportunity, I definitely recommend a tour of a production plant – it doesn’t matter what kind, maybe your world will expand and you will wonder about all those who invent laws – so where is the head? What do you encourage and how?
Also, the passing of a Law that is not clear even to the person who enacted it, forces me to say the first thing – sorry, we don’t pay you to invent ways to punish entrepreneurs, but to improve the existing ones and give us a reason to be stronger together. Which law am I talking about – well, about all those that need to be applied these days, and the goal is unclear.
You either do or you don’t. Go into manufacturing, it might be easier for you when you see the processes that produce the goods.
At the moment, the legislator is producing nothing but loads – and maybe it’s time to tell him that very loudly. Otherwise – where is the head?

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