Nestašica hrane i pameti I Lack of food and intelligence

Mogla bih danas pisati o recimo lokalnim problemima – poput poskupljenja parkirne karte osobito za nas poduzetnike sa 132,70 € + pdv na 240,00 + pdv, pa kako neki gradovi poput Županje su oslobodili svoje građane plaćanje upravo parkinga.

Ništa mi nismo dobili s povećanjem tog nameta – parking je isti osim što imamo iznimku da sad imamo još dvije zone gdje ne vrijedi niti ta karta, posebne zone gdje se još dodatno plaća. Gle to je ipak centar svijeta. Nova Gradiška.

Mogla bih pisati o tome kako sam razmišljala da jako puno ljudi koji imaju izvrsne kvalitete više ne žive u mom gradu. Ali neću o tome pisati.

Mogla bih pisati o tome kako je zanimljivo vidjeti kako nezaposlene osobe koriste vaučere za školovanje tipa – knjigovođa, pa za cca 3 mjeseca – valjda odlično znaju raditi isti posao kao i ja. Neki izvrsno pripremaju svoje polaznike dok drugi drže očito iste samo zbog iznosa koji dobiju od ministarstva, nebitno kojeg…

Neću niti o tome…

Pisati ću o hrani, za danas.

Jučer je nekoliko njemačkih trgovačkih lanaca najavilo moguća kašnjenja isporuka pojedinih proizvoda, odnosno moguću nestašicu tih roba u policama njihovih trgovačkih lanaca.

Kao razloge mogućih nestašica navode dva. Jedan je pobuna poljoprivrednika na jugu Njemačke, radi državnih rezanja subvencija u poljoprivredi, a drugi su napadi islamističke političke i vojne organizacije tzv. „Huti“ koji napadaju zapadne komercijalne brodove na njihovim trgovačkim rutama u Crvenom moru, koji putuju preko Sueskog kanala u Sredozemlje. To je ruta kojom ovi brodovi prevoze hranu i robu iz Azije u Europu.

I ranije sam spominjala efekt leptira. To je onaj efekt kada mala promjena učini značajan utjecaj na konačni događaj. Rat u Ukrajini ili ovakvi napadi Huta na trgovačke komercijalne brodove mogu se činiti kao događaji koji s vašom poslovnom svakodnevicom niti nemaju nekakve veze ili poveznice. Međutim, stvarnost biva znatno drugačija. Kako? Tako što ste zbog rata u Ukrajini ušli zajedno s cijelom našom ekonomijom u novi val inflacije, manjka građevnog materijala, odgode mnogih poslovnih aktivnosti, visokih poskupljenja. Jer ovaj leptir je zamahnuo krilima…

No, ovi događaji su ponovo još jedan znak i za nas da presložimo svoje planove i uključimo u njih i nepredvidive događaje. Neka nam je ovaj najfriškiji događaj još jedan podsjetnik koliko su naša tržišta međuovisna i povezana i koliko ti naizgled daleki događaji dođu u vidu poremećaja i posljedice i u našu poslovnu stvarnost, odrazuju se na cijene roba i usluga, remete nam inflaciju.

No, jedna stvar mi se i dalje vrti po glavi. A to je nevjerojatna činjenica da mi u Hrvatskoj konzumiramo hranu iz Azije, dok naši poljoprivrednici, baš kao i njemački, protestiraju i bore se za svoj opstanak. Osnova svake ekonomije je poljoprivreda. Ponavljam po xy-ti puta. Moć našeg gospodarstva i dalje leži u oporavku poljoprivrede i stočarstva.

Znate li kako su se na selu uspješno preživljavale krize i nestašice? Tako što su se radile zalihe hrane koje bi bile dostatne za relativno stabilan prolazak kroz krizna razdoblja.

I ja vama predlažem da si pripremite zalihe, revidirate rezerve u svojim kompanijama i pripremite za novi val nepoznatoga.



Lack of food and intelligence

I could write today about, say, local problems – such as the increase in the price of parking tickets, especially for us entrepreneurs, from €132.70 + VAT to €240.00 + VAT, and how some cities like Županja have exempted their citizens from paying for parking.

We didn’t get anything with the increase in that levy – parking is the same, except that we have the exception that now we have two more zones where even that ticket is not valid, special zones where you have to pay extra. After all, it is the center of the world. Nova Gradiška.

I could write about how I thought that a lot of people who have excellent qualities no longer live in my city. But I won’t write about it.

I could write about how interesting it is to see how unemployed people use vouchers for the education of a type – accountant, and in about 3 months – I guess they know how to do the same job as me. Some prepare their students excellently, while others obviously keep the same only because of the amount they receive from the ministry, no matter which one…

I won’t even talk about it…

I will write about food, for today.

Yesterday, several German retail chains announced possible delays in the delivery of certain products, that is, a possible shortage of these goods on the shelves of their retail chains.

They cite two reasons for possible shortages. One is the revolt of farmers in the south of Germany, due to state cuts in agricultural subsidies, and the other is the attacks of the Islamist political and military organization, the so-called “Houthis” attacking Western commercial ships on their trade routes in the Red Sea, traveling through the Suez Canal to the Mediterranean. This is the route these ships use to transport food and goods from Asia to Europe.

I mentioned the butterfly effect earlier. This is the effect when a small change makes a significant impact on the final event. The war in Ukraine or such Hutu attacks on trading commercial ships may seem like events that have nothing to do with your everyday business life. However, the reality is quite different. How? Because of the war in Ukraine, together with our entire economy, you entered a new wave of inflation, lack of building materials, postponement of many business activities, high price increases. Because this butterfly flapped its wings…

However, these events are yet another sign for us to rearrange our plans and include unpredictable events in them. Let this freshest event be another reminder of how interdependent and connected our markets are and how far these seemingly distant events come in the form of disruptions and consequences in our business reality, reflect on the prices of goods and services, disturb our inflation.

But one thing is still on my mind. And it is an incredible fact that we in Croatia consume food from Asia, while our farmers, just like the German ones, are protesting and fighting for their survival. The basis of every economy is agriculture. I repeat for the xyth time. The power of our economy still lies in the recovery of agriculture and animal husbandry.

Do you know how the countryside successfully survived crises and shortages? By making food stocks that would be sufficient for a relatively stable passage through periods of crisis.

I also suggest that you prepare your supplies, revise the reserves in your companies and prepare for a new wave of the unknown.



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