Modna kapsula I A fashion capsule

Živimo u vremenima kada svih roba i usluga ima na pretek, izbor je i više no bogat, police u trgovinama su prepune artiklima, online trgovine niču kao gljive poslije kiše.

Trgovine su do nedavno radile sve dane u tjednu, a napokon je značajan dio njih u godini postao – neradan. Zagovaram da kao takve i ostanu. Upravo vikend iza nas pokazao je kakvo smo postali lagodno društvo, ali i društvo materijalizma i proizvođači smeća.

No, u svom tom obilju, pravo pitanje je što nam zapravo od svega toga treba? Što stvarno koristite i što od svega toga stignete koristiti?

Mnoge studije su pokazale da ljudi kupuju da bi trenutno zadovoljili neku svoju unutrašnju potrebu, nekada fizičku, nekada psihičku, no dosta rijetko onu stvarnu, čemu bi taj predmet zaista i trebao služiti. Isto tako mediji, reklame, marketing i ostali utjecaji učinili su da neku stvar doživljavamo kao poželjnu i kao nešto što će nam donijeti neku dodanu kvalitetu, a bez te iste stvari smo do sada živjeli i sve je bilo OK.

Višak stvari također stvara težinu u prostoru, stvari koje imamo, a ne koristimo se gomilaju i smetaju, ne koristimo ih – stvaraju statičnu zalihu, opterećuju nas.

Kako je početak godine, hladno je vrijeme, dani su kratki, zaista je idealno vrijeme za napraviti vlastitu inventuru, što u poslovnom prostoru to i u privatnom. Uzeti si vrijeme i pregledati sve ladice i ormare, proći kroz registre, riješiti se suvišnih papira i suvišnih stvari, učiniti čistoću u svom prostoru, napraviti novog prostora, osloboditi nova mjesta na policama i podovima i udahnuti svježinu.

Osim pospremanja, valja i posebnu pažnju obratiti na iskorištavanje već postojećih stvari i recikliranju kako ne bismo gradili sve više brda poput Jakuševca (u svim sredinama diljem Lijepe naše postoje takva brda smeća), a znamo da rješenja postoje i da možda u godini super izbora upravo na to treba više posvetiti pažnju.

Istu stvar oko čišćenja bih vam preporučila da učinite i sa svojim hard diskovima, usb-ovima, serverima, cloudovima, folderima i svim mjestima gdje držite  svoju digitalnu dokumentaciju. Zaista, kada ste zadnji puta posložili svoje foldere? Kada ste zadnji puta počistili svoju digitaliju?

Kada dovedete u red svoj posao, ostaje vam da dovedete u red i svoje osobne stvari. Jeste li ikada čuli za modnu kapsulu? Modna kapsula je kombinacija različitih dijelova odjevnih predmeta koje se dobrim kombinacijama mogu pretvoriti u više desetaka vrlo kreativnih odjevnih kombinacija, a opet da te palete boja i modeli odjeće idealno odgovaraju vašem tenu i vašem obliku tijela.

Ne znam kako vi upravljate svojim vremenom, no meni su godine rada u financijama i računovodstvu pokazale da svoje vrijeme cijenim sve više i da sve manje vremena prosipam na zadacima koje mogu optimizirati. To pravilo primjenjujem i u privatnom i u poslovnom životu.

Tako je modna kapsula jedan od optimiziranih procesa u mom životu.

Sjećate li se kako je Steve Jobs govorio da svaki dan bira istu majicu jer ne želi ulagati svoje vrijeme i energiju u svakodnevni izbor nove odjevne kombinacije. Ono što vas veseli – radite, Steve Jobs je zaista išao daleko, ali isto tako da možete ubrzati i olakšati si procese – možete.

Neki vrlo uspješni poduzetnici pribjegavaju i hranjenju po tjednim ponavljajućim menijima. I to je jedan od načina optimizacije i ne donošenja po n-ti puta već donesenih odluka.

Ipak život je samo jedan. Zaista je iznimno bitno znati što mi sami sa svojim životom radimo.


A fashion capsule

We live in times when all goods and services are in abundance, the choice is more than rich, store shelves are full of articles, online stores are springing up like mushrooms after the rain.

Until recently, stores were open every day of the week, and finally, a significant part of them became inactive during the year. I advocate that they remain as such. Just the weekend behind us showed what a comfortable society we have become, but also a society of materialism and garbage producers.

But in all this abundance, the real question is what do we actually need from all this? What do you really use and what do you manage to use?

Many studies have shown that people buy in order to currently satisfy some of their internal needs, sometimes physical, sometimes psychological, but quite rarely the real one, for which the object should really serve. In the same way, the media, advertisements, marketing and other influences have made us perceive something as desirable and as something that will bring us some added quality, and without that same thing we lived until now and everything was OK.

An excess of things also creates weight in space, the things we have and don’t use pile up and get in the way, we don’t use them – they create a static stock, burdening us.

As it is the beginning of the year, the weather is cold, the days are short, it is really an ideal time to do your own inventory, both in the business space and in the private space. Take your time and look through all the drawers and closets, go through the registers, get rid of excess papers and unnecessary things, clean your space, make new space, free up new space on shelves and floors and breathe in freshness.

In addition to cleaning, special attention should also be paid to the use of existing things and recycling so that we do not build more and more hills like Jakuševac (there are such mountains of garbage in all areas throughout Lipa naša), and we know that there are solutions and that maybe in the year of the super election more attention should be paid to that.

I would recommend you to do the same cleaning thing with your hard drives, usb drives, servers, clouds, folders and all the places where you keep your digital documentation. Really, when was the last time you organized your folders? When was the last time you cleaned your digital?

When you get your business in order, it remains for you to get your personal things in order. Have you ever heard of a fashion capsule? A fashion capsule is a combination of different parts of clothing that, with good combinations, can be turned into dozens of very creative outfits, and yet those color palettes and clothing models ideally suit your complexion and your body shape.

I don’t know how you manage your time, but the years of working in finance and accounting have shown me that I value my time more and more and that I waste less and less time on tasks that I can optimize. I apply this rule in both my private and business life.

Thus, the fashion capsule is one of the optimized processes in my life.

Do you remember how Steve Jobs said that he chooses the same shirt every day because he does not want to invest his time and energy in choosing a new outfit every day. What makes you happy – you work, Steve Jobs really went far, but also that you can speed up and make your processes easier – you can.

Some very successful entrepreneurs also resort to feeding on weekly recurring menus. And that is one of the ways of optimization and not making decisions already made for the nth time.

After all, there is only one life. It is really extremely important to know what we ourselves are doing with our lives.



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