Što nam nosi nova 2024. godina I What does the new year 2024 bring us?

2023 godina bila je zanimljiva, bogata, zahtjevna, izazovna, puna naglih zaokreta, brzih uspona i još bržih padova. To je godina u kojoj nam je država još uvijek čuva leđa u pogledu sufinanciranja troškova energenata, ali i godina u kojoj smo pokopali nacionalnu valutu za vijeke vjekova, čini se. Godina u kojoj je inflacija nastavila rasti, a prelazak na euro gurnuo naš standard opet par stepenica unazad.

I za one koji ostvaruju natprosječne prihode, tank goriva u autu skoro je duplo skuplji, stoga nitko nije u poziciji tvrditi „to me se ne tiče, ne pratim vijesti i živim po svom“. Jednostavno s više trenutno možemo manje.

No, kako nadvladati i ovu fazu u našim poslovanjima i životima?

Hajmo se ponajprije osvrnuti na ono što nas zasigurno očekuje nadolazeće nove godine.

Naime, najave financijskih stručnjaka kažu da će inflacija rasti manje, no što će prosječno rasti plaće. Recimo da smo u tom slučaju u ovoj stavci u povoljnijem položaju. No, isto tako vlada ove godine prekida sa sufinanciranjem troškova struje i grijanja. Predviđam ovo kao najveći udar na redovite mjesečne budžete za troškove za cijelu industriju, uslužni sektor, ali i za sva domaćinstva. Najave za turizam su sjajne, izgleda da se ozbiljno približavamo tome da smo uspjeli Hrvatsku predstaviti kao premium destinaciju, a nadam se i na milijun načina opravdati. Dakle, prihoda iz ove grane će biti, država će se namiriti, naši Dalmatinci će zadovoljno trljati rukicama i nastaviti ulagati u državne obveznice i trezore, kupovine nekretnina i širenje svojih unosnih biznisa. Turizam nosi i negativnu stranu, a ne znam koliko ste je svjesni, no cijene namještaja, radova i svega što ide uz uređenje, su u Hrvatskoj više nego u susjednim državama. Ne vjerujete? Provjerite.

Naši poljoprivrednici, koje često spominjem, i dalje ovise o vremenskim uvjetima, za koje nema garancije. 2023. godina im nije bila jedna od boljih, od srca im želim odlične rezultate u 2024. godini. Svinjogojci će se tek krenuti oporavljati i neka tako i ostane.

Slijedi i godina u kojoj će jednu petina stanovnika činiti strani radnici. Većina ih ne zna naš jezik, kulturu, niti običaje, nisu integrirani niti planiraju biti. Kod nas su radi zarade. Točka.

Novu godinu obilježit će i troje različitih izbora: za Europski parlament, za Hrvatski sabor i Predsjednički izbori. Uz politiku idu i ratovi, tako da onaj u Ukrajini i novozapočeti u Palestini, teško da će se privesti kraju.

Ono što iz ove perspektive ne vidimo, a moguće je da se desi su: još jedan krug korone ili sličnih virusa koji bi nas opet zatvorio, nuklearni rat, biološko oružje, globalno zagrijavanje ili globalno zahlađenje, druge prirodne katastrofe kao potresi ili poplave, daljnje genetske modifikacije hrane ali i ljudi, napredak umjetne inteligencije do razmjera da preuzima mnoga radna mjesta…

Zato osvijestimo da nam je dobro i da sami gradimo svoju sadašnjost i svoje rezultate!



What does the new year 2024 bring us?

The year 2023 was interesting, rich, demanding, challenging, full of sudden turns, fast ups and even faster downs. It is the year in which the state still has our backs in terms of co-financing energy costs, but also the year in which we buried the national currency for the ages, it seems. A year in which inflation continued to rise, and the transition to the euro pushed our standard back a few steps again.

Even for those who earn above-average incomes, a tank of fuel in a car is almost twice as expensive, so no one is in a position to claim “it doesn’t concern me, I don’t follow the news and live my life”. We can simply do less with more right now.

But how do we overcome this phase in our businesses and lives?

First of all, let’s take a look at what awaits us in the coming new year.

Namely, announcements by financial experts say that inflation will grow less, but that wages will grow on average. Let’s say that in that case we are in a more favorable position in this item. However, this year the government also stops co-financing electricity and heating costs. I foresee this as the biggest blow to regular monthly expenditure budgets for the entire industry, the service sector, but also for all households. The announcements for tourism are great, it seems that we are seriously approaching the fact that we have succeeded in presenting Croatia as a premium destination, and I hope to justify it in a million ways. So, there will be income from this branch, the state will be satisfied, our Dalmatians will happily rub their hands together and continue to invest in government bonds and treasuries, real estate purchases and the expansion of their profitable businesses. Tourism also has a negative side, and I don’t know how much you are aware of it, but the prices of furniture, works and everything that goes with decorating are higher in Croatia than in neighboring countries. You don’t believe? Check it out.

Our farmers, whom I often mention, are still dependent on weather conditions, for which there is no guarantee. The year 2023 was not one of their best, I wish them great results in 2024 from the bottom of my heart. Pig farmers are just starting to recover and may it stay that way.

A year will follow in which one fifth of the population will be foreign workers. Most of them do not know our language, culture, or customs, they are not integrated nor do they plan to be. They are with us for profit. Full stop.

The new year will also be marked by three different elections: for the European Parliament, for the Croatian Parliament and the Presidential elections. Wars go along with politics, so the one in Ukraine and the newly started one in Palestine will hardly come to an end.

What we do not see from this perspective, and what may happen are: another round of corona or similar viruses that would shut us down again, nuclear war, biological weapons, global warming or global cooling, other natural disasters such as earthquakes or floods, further genetic modifications of food but also of people, the progress of artificial intelligence to the extent that it takes over many jobs…

So let’s make people aware that we are doing well and that we are building our own present and our results!



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