Po prvi puta na blogu ProknjižiMe otvaram temu europskih mirovina. Naime, ne malo puta sam čula, što od svojih klijenata, što od ostalih građana izjave tipa „ako mi ikada i doživimo da nam se isplaćuje mirovina“. Nažalost, i to na veliku žalost, naši građani nemaju dovoljno povjerenja u našu Vladu, da bi sa sigurnošću očekivali kako će onoga dana kada ispune svoj registrirani radni vijek, umiroviti se i primati svoju zasluženu mjesečnu rentu do kraja svog života.
Kako smo članica Europske unije, otvorila su nam s nova vrata po pitanju mirovina. To je Paneuropski Osobni Mirovinski Proizvod ili skraćeno PEPP. To je drugim riječima proizvod osmišljen kako bi osigurao dodatan dohodak u našoj trećoj životnoj dobi uz našu osnovnu državnu mirovinu i moguće dodatne državne stupove u koje smo do mirovine ulagali i štedjeli. PEPP je aktivan i prenosiv unutar cijele EU (što znači da ako osoba promijeni prebivalište unutar EU, nastavlja štednju kod istog nositelja ili ga može promijeniti unutar EU), dakle dobrovoljan je i u njega može ulagati svaka fizička osoba koja živi unutar EU. Njega nadziru nacionalna tijela i Europsko tijelo za osiguranje i strukovno mirovinsko osiguranje ili EIOPA.
Zanimljivo je to što nema uvjeta da osoba mora biti u radnom odnosu da bi štedjela u ovom proizvodu. Dakle štediše su studenti, nezaposleni, zaposleni, žene na porodinskom/roditeljskom ili muškarci na roditeljskom/očinskom dopustu, samozaposleni, poduzetnici, obrtnici… dakle svi punoljetni ljudi različitih statusa, osim umirovljenih. Isto tako poslodavci mogu uplaćivati u PEPP, bez obzira u kojoj zemlji njihovi radnici rade.
Naime, dok II. i III. Stup mirovinske štednje podliježu hrvatskim (lokalnim) zakonima, PEPP podliježe europskom zakonodavstvu (uz manje lokalne prilagodbe).
Ako biste se danas odlučili za štednju u PEPP onda biste prvo ugovorili štednju, štedjeli određen period u kojem biste akumulirali sredstva na vašem računu, a zatim imate više opcija na koji način povlačiti svoj akumuliran novac. Jedna opcija je isplata redovite mjesečne rente, druga je jednokratna isplata, treća je redovito povlačenje sredstava do određenog iznosa ili kombinacija.
Koliko vas to kao fizičku osobu košta? Na službenim stranicama PEPP-a stoji da je to najviše 1 % godišnje od iznosa vođene štednje.
Postoji jedno pravilo, a glasi da u PEPP ne može uplaćivati osoba starija od 55. godina života.
Donosim vam i jedan dokument od svega pet stranica u kojem je dovoljno detaljno objašnjen koncept PEPP-a kako biste mogli odlučiti želite li znati više i poduzeti akciju kojom ćete si osigurati dodatan mjesečni prihod do kraja života.
European pension PEPP
For the first time on the ProknjižiMe blog, I open the topic of European pensions. Namely, I have heard many times, both from my clients and from other citizens, statements like “if we ever live to receive a pension”. Unfortunately, and very unfortunately, our citizens do not have enough trust in our Government to expect with certainty that on the day they reach their registered working life, they will retire and receive their well-deserved monthly annuity for the rest of their lives.
Since we are a member of the European Union, they have opened new doors for us regarding pensions. It is the Pan-European Personal Pension Product or PEPP for short. In other words, it is a product designed to provide additional income in our third age in addition to our basic state pension and possible additional state pillars in which we have invested and saved until retirement. PEPP is active and portable within the entire EU (which means that if a person changes residence within the EU, they continue saving with the same holder or can change it within the EU), so it is voluntary and any natural person living within the EU can invest in it. It is supervised by national authorities and the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority, or EIOPA.
It is interesting that there is no requirement that a person must be employed in order to save in this product. Therefore, savers are students, unemployed, employed, women on maternity/parental leave or men on parental/paternal leave, self-employed, entrepreneurs, craftsmen… so all adults of various statuses, except retired. Likewise, employers can pay into PEPP, regardless of the country in which their employees work.
Namely, while II. and III. The pension savings pillar is subject to Croatian (local) laws, PEPP is subject to European legislation (with minor local adjustments).
If you decided to save in a PEPP today, then you would first agree on savings, save for a certain period in which you would accumulate funds in your account, and then you have more options on how to withdraw your accumulated money. One option is the payment of a regular monthly annuity, the second is a one-time payment, the third is a regular withdrawal of funds up to a certain amount or combinations.
How much does it cost you as a natural person? On the official website of PEPP, it is stated that it is a maximum of 1% per year of the amount of managed savings.
There is one rule, which is that a person older than 55 cannot pay into PEPP.
I am also bringing you a document of only five pages in which the concept of PEPP is explained in sufficient detail so that you can decide whether you want to know more and take action to secure yourself an additional monthly income for the rest of your life.
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