Građanima naše zemlje omogućeno je da ulažu u državne trezorske zapise ili jednostavnije rečeno kratkoročne vrijednosne papire. Izdaje iz Ministarstvo financija. Od danas na snazi je prvi krug upisa, a investiranje je dostupno poslovnim subjektima i drugim državljanima te rezidentima.
Jedan trezorac ili jedan upis nosi 963,95 Eura (nude se po tzv. diskontnoj cijeni), dok se za godinu dana oročenja zaradi 3,75 % ili 36,05 Eura. Dakle svaki ulagač imat će punih 1000 Eura vrijednosti.
Svatko može uložiti minimalno u vrijednosti jednog trezorca, dok gornji broj nije određen, ali samo uz jednu ponudu za upis trezorca po osobi.
Mjesto upisa su poslovnice Financijske agencije (FINA-e), dakle njih 170 diljem HR.
Tko ulaže do 10.000 Eura ne mora plaćati naknadu za platni promet, iznad toga mora, a svi koji ulažu od 30.000 Eura na više ulagatelj mora podnijeti dokaz o izvoru novčanih sredstava.
Uz to ovi novi trezorski zapisi uvršteni su na Zagrebačku burzu.
Zašto uopće Ministarstvo ulazi u ovakve poteze? Trezorski zapisi izdaju se zbog zaostajanja kamatnih stopa na štednju i oročene depozite u bankama. Naime, većina banaka i dalje drži kamatnu stopu na različite oblike depozita i štednje između 0.02% i 3%.
Zanimljivo je to kako se ovo ulaganje neće oporezivati porezom na dohodak. Nije li to zanimljivo? Naime, predviđeno je ponuditi 440.000 milijuna eura zapisa, pa vi meni recite je li moguće da naš narod nema novaca?
Je li ulaganje u ove instrumente unosno? Ako usporedimo prinos od 3,75% sa stopom inflacije koja je prošli mjesec iznosila 5,8% onda nije. Ali ako gledamo koliki su depoziti na štednje u bankama, onda definitivno je.
No, nas zanima realnost, a ne čuvanje našeg novca na sigurnijem mjestu nego doma u čarapama, ispod madraca, u skrivenim ladicama, ispod žardinjera, u džepovima kaputa koje nikada ne nosimo i slično.
Trezorske zapise također ne možete unovčiti prije isteka roka dospijeća, a to je minimalno godinu dana. Ako ipak odlučite doći od svojeg novca, izgubit ćete, jer će vam skinuti i novac za troškove poslovanja i za još puno dodatnih nejasnih izraza.
Ok, ako se to u konačnici ne isplati, što se isplati? Mnogi poduzetnici znaju sa svojim kapitalom udvostručiti kapital, tako da prinos od 3,75 % za godinu dana i ne zvuči vrlo primamljivo. Tko nije za konzervativnije pristupe zarade na kapitalu, može ulagati u burze ili u zlato, a može i ulagati u sebe.
Treasury Bills
Citizens of our country are allowed to invest in government treasury bills or, to put it more simply, short-term securities. Issued by the Ministry of Finance. As of today, the first round of enrollment is in effect, and investing is available to business entities and other citizens and residents.
One vault or one entry costs 963.95 Euros (they are offered at a so-called discount price), while 3.75% or 36.05 Euros is earned for one year of installments. So each investor will have a full 1000 Euros worth.
Everyone can make a minimum investment in the value of one vault, while the upper number is not determined, but only with one offer to register a vault per person.
The place of registration is the branches of the Financial Agency (FINA), i.e. 170 of them throughout the HR.
Anyone who invests up to 10,000 Euros does not have to pay a fee for payment transactions, above that he has to, and everyone who invests 30,000 Euros or more must submit proof of the source of funds.
In addition, these new treasury bills were listed on the Zagreb Stock Exchange.
Why is the Ministry making such moves in the first place? Treasury bills are issued due to lagging interest rates on savings and time deposits in banks. Namely, most banks still keep the interest rate on various forms of deposits and savings between 0.02% and 3%.
It is interesting that this investment will not be subject to income tax. Isn’t that interesting? Namely, it is planned to offer 440,000 million euros in notes, so tell me, is it possible that our people have no money?
Is investing in these instruments profitable? If we compare the yield of 3.75% with the inflation rate, which was 5.8% last month, then it is not. But if we look at the amount of savings deposits in banks, then it definitely is.
However, we are interested in reality, not keeping our money in a safer place than at home in socks, under the mattress, in hidden drawers, under planters, in the pockets of coats that we never wear and the like.
You also cannot cash in treasury bills before the maturity date expires, which is a minimum of one year. If you still decide to come from your money, you will lose, because they will also take money from you for business expenses and for a lot of additional vague terms.
Ok, if it doesn’t pay off in the end, what does? Many entrepreneurs know how to double their capital with their capital, so a yield of 3.75% for one year does not sound very attractive. Those who are not in favor of more conservative approaches to capital gains can invest in stock markets or gold, and can also invest in themselves.
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