Znate li kolika Vam je bruto plaća? Slobodno mi pišite.. I Do you know how much your gross salary is? Feel free to write to me…

Ovih dana, uoči rasprave oko novog  Zakona o doprinosima, kojima vlada „daje“ olakšicu pri plaćanju Doprinosa za mirovinsko osiguranje iz 1. stupa, postavilo mi se pitanje znate li vi kao zaposlenici i radnici, kolika li vam je bruto plaća ili vam je to nebitan podatak?

Mišljenja sam:

  • Radnicima u većini zemalja obično je važna neto plaća, tj. iznos koji dobivaju na svoj račun nakon što su oduzeti porezi i druge obaveze. Neto plaća predstavlja stvarni iznos koji radnik može koristiti za svoje životne potrebe i troškove.
  • Bruto plaća, s druge strane, predstavlja ukupan iznos koji poslodavac isplaćuje radniku prije oduzimanja poreza, doprinosa za socijalnu sigurnost i drugih obaveza. Iako je bruto plaća važna, radnici se često usredotoče na neto plaću jer to odražava njihovu stvarnu financijsku situaciju i koliko novca imaju na raspolaganju za svakodnevne potrebe.
  • Međutim, bruto plaća također može biti važna u razmatranju potencijalnih beneficija kao što su doprinosi za mirovinsko osiguranje, zdravstveno osiguranje ili druge oblike socijalne sigurnosti koje radnik može ostvariti. Također, razumijevanje bruto i neto plaće pomaže radnicima da bolje planiraju svoje financije i razumiju kako porezi i doprinosi utječu na njihovu ukupnu primanja.
  • Isto tako zanima me dobivate li od svojih poslodavaca platnu listu na kojoj se vidi i iznos Bruto plaće, svih doprinosa i uplaćenih poreza?
  • Kao radniku, jeste li upoznati s time da sve općine do kraja studenog moraju donijeti odluku o ukidanju prireza te nove osnovice za obračun poreza i znate li da se osobni odbitak od 01.01.2024. mijenja kao i osnovice za najnižu plaću?

Imam puno pitanja na koje bih voljela dobiti odgovore od vas – radnika – ali i puno odgovora koje vi možete dobiti od mene. stoga mi slobodno pišite na info@kontoar.hr.

Informacije će ostati anonimne…a iste ću pokušati analizirati u jednom od slijedećih blogova.

Računovodstvena struka se nalazi pred novim poreznim izmjenama koji donose izazov u obračunima plaća ali isto tako nastojati informirati i dalje poslodavce, a samim tim i radnike o utjecaju izmjena na same plaće.



Do you know how much your gross salary is? Feel free to write to me…

These days, ahead of the discussion about the new Contributions Act, in which the government is providing relief for paying contributions for pension insurance in the 1st pillar, I wondered if you, as employees, workers, know how much your gross salary is or if that is an insignificant piece of information for you?

In my opinion:

  • For workers in most countries, the net salary is usually important, which is the amount they receive in their account after taxes and other deductions.
  • The net salary represents the real amount that the worker can use for their living expenses and costs. On the other hand, the gross salary represents the total amount that the employer pays to the employee before deducting taxes, contributions for social security, and other obligations. Although the gross salary is important, workers often focus on the net salary because it reflects their actual financial situation and how much money they have available for everyday needs.
  • However, the gross salary can also be important in considering potential benefits such as contributions for pension insurance, health insurance, or other forms of social security that the worker can receive.
  • Furthermore, understanding gross and net salary helps workers better plan their finances and understand how taxes and contributions affect their total earnings. I am also interested in whether you receive a payslip from your employers that shows the gross salary, all contributions, and taxes paid?
  • As a worker, do you know that all municipalities must make a decision by the end of November to abolish the “prirez” tax and establish new bases for tax calculations? Do you know that the personal deduction will change from January 1, 2024, as well as the bases for the minimum wage?

I have many questions that I would like to get answers from you, the workers, but also many answers you can get from me. So feel free to write to me at info@kontoar.hr. The information will remain anonymous, and I will try to analyze it in one of the upcoming blogs.

The accounting profession is facing new tax changes that present a challenge in salary calculations, but it also aims to continue informing employers and, consequently, workers about the impact of these changes on their salaries.



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