Svinjska kuga – svinjogojstvo pred zadnjim udarom I African Swine Fever – Swine Farming on the Brink

Nakon par izrazito dobrih godina u poljoprivredi, osobitu ratarstvu, gdje su i prinosi uroda kao i otkupne cijene svih proizvedenih žitarica, uljarica i drugih jednogodišnjih nasada, bili povoljni, došli smo do ove nesretne godine, koja svojim vremenskim uvjetima ali i silnim utjecajima nekih vanjskih politika, baca poljoprivrednike opet na samo dno.

Kao gratis svemu, odjednom se pojavila svinjska kuga, za koju se godinama ne može pronaći cjepivo, a za Covid su ga lansirali spektakularno brzo; samo primjećujem.

Naravno da ne uspoređujem ljudski život sa životinjom. Moje misli su uvijek prije na strani života čovjeka, ali nekako tu nešto ne štima.

Mom seljaku, poljoprivredniku, kao i mnogima u različitim drugim zemljama, koji se bave upravo svinjogojstvom, uprave gase životno poslanje – osim što su se patili da proizvedu hranu potrebnu za uzgoj svinja, pojavom svinjske kuge, iste eutanaziraju, ali i stavljaju i zabranu bavljenja istim iduće dvije godine.

Pa što će on raditi te dvije godine? A što ćemo bez kobasice, dobrog kulena i pršuta? Znači li to da ih se neće imati za kupiti u npr. trgovačkim centrima?

Mislim da će ponude biti, ali koje kvalitete i kojeg porijekla.

Ako ste ikada bili na tradicionalnom kolinju, vjerujte mi da je za proizvodnju suhomesnatih proizvoda, iznimno važno pripremiti sve sastojke da bi isti bili zdravstven ispravni.

Začini koji se dodaju u kulen i kobasice se također pomno biraju, jer svaki seljak prvo proizvodi delicije za sebe i svoju obitelj, pa sigurno mu nije na pameti da proizvede nešto što može biti pogubno za život sebe ili svojih ukućana.

Također moram napomenuti da mnoga gospodarstva žive upravo od uzgoja svinja, pa se bojim da oporavak ni malo neće biti ugodan niti lak.

Mogu samo reći da me žalosti ova situacija i da se na ovaj način prekida tradicija – a nekako mi se čini da to i je trenutna svrha.

Ovim blogom želim pružiti potporu svim našim poljoprivrednim gospodarstvima u nadi da ćete sada dignuti glas na najjače!



African Swine Fever – Swine Farming on the Brink


After a few exceptionally good years in agriculture, especially in crop farming, where both crop yields and purchase prices for all produced cereals, oilseeds, and other annual crops were favorable, we have arrived at this unfortunate year. This year, marked by its weather conditions and the significant impact of external policies, has pushed farmers to the bottom once again.

As an unwelcome bonus, African Swine Fever has emerged, for which a vaccine has been elusive for years, in contrast to the rapid development of a vaccine for COVID, which I can’t help but notice. I am, of course, not equating human life with that of animals; my thoughts always lean towards the value of human life. Nevertheless, something doesn’t quite add up.

To the farmer, as well as to many others in different countries engaged in swine farming, authorities are extinguishing a way of life. Besides their struggles to produce the necessary food for pig farming, the emergence of African Swine Fever leads to euthanizing these animals and enforces a two-year ban on the same activity.

So, what will they do during those two years? And what about sausage, good kulen, and prosciutto? Does this mean that they won’t be available for purchase in, for example, supermarkets? I think they will be, but the quality and origin may be different.

If you’ve ever been to a traditional pig slaughter, you’ll trust me that it’s crucial to prepare everything meticulously to ensure the safety of cured meat products. The spices added to kulen and sausages are also carefully chosen because every farmer first produces delicacies for themselves and their family. It’s certainly not in their interest to produce something that could be harmful to their own lives or the lives of their household members.

I also have to point out that many households make their living from pig farming, and I fear that the recovery will be neither pleasant nor easy. I can only say that this situation saddens me as it disrupts tradition in this manner, and it somehow seems to be the current purpose.

Through this blog, I want to offer support to all our agricultural businesses in the hope that you will now raise your voice as loudly as possible!


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