Hrvatski model zdravstva I Croatian Healthcare Model

Zdravstveno uređenje u Republici Hrvatskoj organizirano je po principu socijalnih usluga, gdje se one pružaju gotovo besplatno za krajnjeg korisnika. Naime, nije besplatno niti može biti jer svaka roba košta, ljudski rad ima cijenu, održavanje bolnica i drugih zdravstvenih ustanova ima svoju cijenu. No, dobar dio tereta tog aparat podnosi država, a drugi dio sveukupnog troška podnose zaposleni tj. u njihovo ime poslodavci, koji su dužni mjesečno uplaćivati za podmirenje zdravstvenih usluga i mirovinskog.

Fascinantno mi je razumijevati kako postoje skupine vladajućih kojima je u interesu da aparat kojim upravljaju ne funkcionira, da košta, da se milijuni usmjeravaju u nečije džepove, a ne u zdravlje naših građana.

Kada smo mladi i zdravi, ne razmišljamo puno o tome koja je kvaliteta života ima i funkcionalno zdravstvo koje pruža kvalitetne liječničke i specijalističke usluge. Ne dopire do nas da ćemo i mi u nekoj kasnijoj životnoj dobi biti korisnici upravo tih svih usluga. I onda kada ti se desi, počinješ shvaćati što uhodano zdravstvo znači za kvalitetu življenja.

Paradoks se događa, kada građanina u svim tim ranijim životnim fazama redovito podmiruje i plaća zdravstvene doprinose, a kada osobi zatreba usluga dolazi na višemjesečne, ponekada i višegodišnje liste čekanja.

Još je jedna studija slučaja na bazi korisnika koji cijele živote plaćaju zdravstvo, a zapravo ga nikada niti nisu imali prilike koristiti.

Pretpostavljam da postoji i ona kategorija koja je za svog vijeka plaćala minimalno, a visinu troškova koje generira liječenje te osobe producira troškove za natprosječno velik broj ljudi.

Ipak, kako razmišljaju odgovorni o trenutačnom stanju zdravstva? Ima li RH strateški plan reforme zdravstva? Tko je odgovoran kada se svaki mjesec gube milijuni?

Ne malo puta pacijent je sveden na to da čeka neki specijalistički pregled mjesecima ili ode u neku privatnu polikliniku i plati za bržu usluge. U istim tim poliklinikama uglavnom rade isti specijalisti kao i u državnim ustanovama. Kako onda u privatnoj poliklinici sustav može funkcionirati, a u državnoj radi u usporenom tempu kretanja?

Poduzetnica sam čitav život i privatna poliklinika je biznis koji čini se oko nas svima uspijeva. Ipak zastupam se za ono što mi kao građani plaćamo, česti i uglavnom ne dobivamo, a obećano nam je i pripada nam.

Što je sustav veći, on je tromiji. Ipak sjetimo se da je cijela naša država brojna s ljudima koliko i jedna malo veći grad 600 – 700 km zapadnije od nas. Stoga nema da ne može, pitanje je -KAKO?



Croatian Healthcare Model


Health care in the Republic of Croatia is organized according to the principle of social services, where they are provided almost free of charge to the end user. Namely, it is not free nor can it be because every commodity has a cost, human labor has a price, the maintenance of hospitals and other health institutions has its price. However, a good part of the burden of this device is borne by the state, and the other part of the total cost is borne by the employees, i.e. on their behalf, the employers, who are obliged to make monthly payments for health services and pension

It’s fascinating to me to understand how there are groups of rulers whose interest is that the apparatus they manage does not work, that it costs money, that millions go into someone’s pockets, and not into the health of our citizens.

When we are young and healthy, we don’t think much about the quality of life we ​​have, and functional healthcare that provides quality medical and specialist services. It does not reach us that we too will be users of all these services at a later age. And then when it happens to you, you begin to understand what well-established healthcare means for the quality of life.

A paradox occurs when a citizen regularly settles and pays health contributions in all these earlier stages of life, and when a person needs a service, he ends up on a waiting list of several months, sometimes several years.

Another case study is based on users who have been paying for healthcare all their lives, but have never actually had the opportunity to use it.

I assume that there is also a category that has paid the minimum for its lifetime, and the amount of costs generated by the treatment of that person produces costs for an above-average number of people.

However, how do those responsible think about the current state of healthcare? Does the Republic of Croatia have a strategic health reform plan? Who is responsible when millions are lost every month?

Not infrequently, the patient is reduced to waiting for a specialist examination for months or going to a private polyclinic and paying for faster services. In the same polyclinics, the same specialists work as in state institutions. How then can the system function in a private polyclinic, while in a state one it works at a slow pace?

I have been an entrepreneur all my life and the private polyclinic is a business that seems to be succeeding around us. Nevertheless, I stand up for what we as citizens pay for, often and mostly do not get, and what we were promised and belongs to us.

The bigger the system, the slower it is. However, let’s remember that our entire country has as many people as a slightly larger city 600-700 km west of us. Therefore, it cannot be done, the question is –HOW?


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