Nove isplatne liste I New Payroll Statements

I tako, zlu ne trebalo, svakom radniku i poslodavcu, od kada je stupio na snagu novi Zakon o radu, točnije od 01.01.2023., za njim su uslijedili i pravilnici o istom.

Dakako da svi težimo (i radnici i poslodavci) da su pravila jasno napisana i da ih se treba pridržavati, stoga od 01. listopada imamo nove (stare) isplatne liste prema kojima je radniku jasno što mu je do sada bila osnovna neto plaća, a što dodatci na plaću, poput prehrane, nagrade, regresa, terenskog dodatka i slično.

Moram dodati – pa i do sada je to bilo jasno propisano, radnik na svom računu vidi plaću – jer odavno ni ne može mu biti isplaćena drugačije nego na tekući račun, ali evo, ne daj Bože da radnik dobije koji Euro ili cent više, jer eto zla za poslodavca!

Je li sve šifre upotrijebio dobro pri isplati plaće i je li je u obrascu JOPPD sve iskazano pod točnim šiframa, kojih ima toliko da vjerujem da malo tko zna o čemu se i radi, osim nas koji se i bave upravo obračunima plaća.

Naravno, da se plaće razlikuju i po dodacima i po minulom radu i po raznim kolektivnim ugovorima, ovisno pripada li im poslodavac u određenu djelatnost ili ne.

I tako od 01. listopada opet mijenjamo izgled isplatne liste i naravno da ju je potrebno dostaviti radniku, jer to je dokaz da je dobio plaću (a nije valjda dokaz što je primio uplatu na tekućem računu), pa ako pak poslodavac pošalje e-mailom isplatnu listu s dodacima – mora čuvati i e-mail kojim dokazuje – da ju je poslao!

Nema e-maila – ima kazne – nema liste – opet kazna, a što je dokaz o plaćanju, ma to nije izgleda bitno.

Bitno je da postoje kazne s kojima se svaki inspektor rada može igrati po svojoj volji – npr. ako nemate anex ugovora o radu koji je sklopljen u vrijeme dok valuta nije bila euro. Može vas kazniti, a i ne mora.

Uglavnom mogla bih napisati ovaj članak puno stručnije – ali bojim se da ga mogu razumjeti samo oni koji iz dana u dan čitaju zakonske propise i pravilnike, a svi drugi se pitaju – o čemu ona priča!?

Zato vas opet pitam – ima li radnik od korištenja ovog Pravilnika veći benefit ili ne? Po meni ne – više mu znači hoće li dobiti kakvu povišicu, nego u kakvoj formi dolazi isplatna lista,  ali kaznu poslodavac uvijek može dobiti za ne pridržavanje istog.

Ostanite uključeni u sadržaje koje pišem, iskreno me  svaki puta razvesele vaši komentari!




And so, heaven forbid, to every worker and employer, since the new Labor Law came into effect, more precisely since 01.01.2023, regulations have followed suit.

Of course, we all strive (both workers and employers) for the rules to be clearly written and adhered to. Therefore, as of October 1st, we have new (old) payroll statements, which make it clear to the worker what their basic net salary has been so far, as well as any salary supplements such as meals, bonuses, holiday pay, field allowances, and the like.

I must add – even until now, it has been clearly prescribed. The worker sees their salary in their account – because it cannot be paid in any other way than to their current account for a long time now.

But here we are, heaven forbid, if a worker receives a few more Euros or cents, as it would be a disaster for the employer! Did they use all the codes correctly when paying the salary, and is everything stated correctly in the JOPPD form, which has so many codes that I believe few people know what it is about, except for those of us who are directly involved in payroll calculations.

Of course, salaries vary depending on supplements, past work, and various collective agreements, depending on whether the employer belongs to a specific industry or not.

So, as of October 1st, we are changing the appearance of the payroll statement again, and of course, it needs to be provided to the worker, as it is proof that they have received their salary (it’s not proof that it’s in their current account), so if the employer sends the payroll statement with supplements via email, they must keep the email as proof that they sent it!

No email – there’s a fine – no statement – another fine, and what’s the proof of payment, well, it doesn’t seem to matter. What matters is that there are fines that every labor inspector can play with at their discretion – for example, if you don’t have an annex to the employment contract that was signed at a time when the currency was not the Euro. It may or may not be an issue.

Anyway, I could write this article much more professionally – but I’m afraid only those who read legal regulations and rules day in and day out can understand it, while everyone else wonders – what is she talking about!? So, I’ll ask again – does the worker gain a greater benefit from using this Regulation or not?

In my opinion, no – it means more to them whether they’ll get a raise than the format of the payroll statement, but the employer can always get fined for not adhering to it.

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