Uoči još jednog, za mnoge, produženog vikenda, htjela sam zapravo skrenuti pažnju – na sve one koje ne mogu spojiti ove dane.
Zapravo poslodavci uvijek ne misle tako – međutim smatram da upravo i sloboda koju si možemo priuštiti nije uvijek samo u novcu koji zaradim, nego i u provedenom vremenu sa svojim obiteljima.
Uskoro nam dolazi i 01.07. kada će i nedjeljama trgovine većinom biti zatvorene ili će ih trgovci rasporediti na onih dozvoljenih radnih šesnaest nedjelja u godini za koje smatraju da im donose najveću dobit.
Nešto sam naučila u godinama kroz koje radim – a nisam uvijek bila u poziciji da odlučujem o slobodnim danima – naime shvatila sam da ako radnicima ipak spojiš taj produženi vikend, cijene te slobodne dane isto kao i dodatnu nagradu u novcu.
Vjerujem da takvim razmišljanjem i vodstvom i radnici imaju priliku izraziti svoje zadovoljstvo poslodavcem gdje rade, iako mi klijenti zbog toga izražavaju čuđenje – dakako ne svi.
Pa pitam vas poslodavce – jesmo li goniči robova ili ipak možemo priuštiti djelatnicima taj dar razumijevanja koji njihov privatni život čini ljepšim?
Svaki čovjek si svaki dan kreira životne trenutke koji im ostaju u trajnom sjećanju – sa svojom djecom, supružnicima, roditeljima ili pak prijateljima.
Davanje se svaki puta vrati u drugačijem obliku i nikad o tome ne treba previše razmišljati.
Darovi zahvalnosti dolaze iz različitih životnih puteva, a kao lideri već ste to odavno morali znati.
Sve reforme i Zakoni, kao i obveze neće nestati zbog jednog slobodnog dana.
Zato svima kojima je poslodavac kroz ovaj tjedan ili mjesec koji dolazi, omogućio slobodan dan ili godišnji odmor – uživajte – jer taj dan se nikad u životu više ponoviti neće.
On the eve of another, for many, extended weekend, I actually wanted to draw attention – to all those who cannot connect these days.
Employers don’t always think so – however, I believe that the freedom we can afford is not always only in the money we earn, but also in the time we spend with my families.
First of July is coming soon, when most of the shops will also be closed on Sundays or the traders will distribute them on those allowed sixteen working Sundays in the highest year which they think bring them profit.
I’ve learned something in the years I’ve been working – and I wasn’t always in a position to decide on days off for workers – I realized that if you do combine that extended weekend, they value those days off the same as an additional monetary reward.
I believe that with such thinking and leadership, workers also have the opportunity to express their satisfaction with the employer where they work, although my clients are surprised by this – of course not all of them.
So I ask you employers – are we slave chasers or can we still afford employees that gift of understanding that makes their private life more beautiful?
Each person creates moments of their lives every day that remain in their permanent memory – with their children, spouses, parents or friends.
Giving comes back in a different form every time and you never have to think too much about it.
Gifts of gratitude come from different walks of life, and as leaders you should have known this long ago.
All reforms and laws, as well as obligations will not disappear because of one day off.
That’s why everyone whose employer gave them a day off or annual vacation during this week or the coming month – enjoy it – because that day will never happen again in your life.
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