Franšize / Franchises

Franšiza je jedna poslovna simbioza u kojem obje strane profitiraju. Kada ovu simbiozu stavimo na operativnu razinu to izgleda tako da davatelj franšize kupcu franšize prepušta cijeli svoj „know how“ te „company branding“, dok taj primatelj franšize posluje prema uputama provjerenog profitabilnog procesa, te zauzvrat, jer je sam preskočio fazu isprobavanja što pali – a što ne pali, te učenje iz vlastitih grešaka (koje koštaju novaca, energije, neke i zdravlja), plaća određene tantijeme na godišnjoj razini.

U Hrvatskoj je prisutnije puno više franšiza no što je većina vas svjesna. Ima ih preko 200, a podiže se aktivno i broj domaćih franšiza, trenutno oko 70.

Na našem tržištu se dodjeljuje “Franchise Brand Leader Award 2022” koju je prošle godine pokrenula Hrvatska udruga za franšizno poslovanje-FIP i Darko Buković, direktor te nagrade i online radija Poslovni FM.

Dobar primjer franšize je upravo ovogodišnji dobitnik – Muzej Iluzija, koji je svoju franšizu distribuirao u preko 25 država svijeta s više od 40 lokacija.

Evo još primjera nagrađenih:

  • najbolje rastuća inozemna franšiza na hrvatskom tržištu proglašena je franšiza Mai Box Etc
  • najbolja regionalna franšiza u Hrvatskoj je Malac genijalaca,
  • a Helen Doron Hrvatska najbolja franšiza s društvenim učinkom.


Udruga organizator najavila je i da će se uskoro na njihovim stranicama pronaći registar franšiza. Za mnoge od vas će to značiti i početak novih poduzetničkih akcija.

No jedno od ključnih pitanja je „Koliko mene kao investitora ulazak u franšizu košta“. Modeli su različiti, no postoje i oni u kojima vlasnik franšize ulaže u opremu, dok primatelj franšize treba osigurati npr. prostor. No ne radi se samo o visini investicije, radi se i o visini rizika. Tko je raspoložen uložiti, a istovremeno ima provjeren business model i može pouzdano očekivati profit, onda je uspjeh gotovo zagarantiran.

Nadam se da sam vam dala ideju za novi business!

Zna se tko će vam voditi računovodstvo i financije.

Računajte na uspjeh.




A franchise is a business symbiosis in which both parties profit. When we put this symbiosis at the operational level, it looks like the franchisor leaves all of his “know how” and “company branding” to the franchise buyer, while that franchisee operates according to the instructions of a proven profitable process, and in turn, because he himself skipped the phase of trying what works – and what doesn’t work, and learning from one’s own mistakes (which cost money, energy, some even health), pays certain royalties on an annual basis.

There are many more franchises in Croatia than most of you are aware of. There are over 200 of them, and the number of domestic franchises is also actively increasing, currently around 70.

In our market, the “Franchise Brand Leader Award 2022” is awarded, which was launched last year by the Croatian Association for Franchise Business-FIP and Darko Buković, the director of the award and online radio Poslovni FM.

A good example of a franchise is this year’s winner – the Museum of Illusions, which distributed its franchise in over 25 countries around the world with more than 40 locations.

Here are more examples of awardees:

  • the best growing foreign franchise on the Croatian market was the Mai Box Etc franchise
  • the best regional franchise in Croatia is Little Geniuses,
  • and Helen Doron Croatia is the best franchise with social impact.

The organizing association also announced that the register of franchises will soon be available on their website. For many of you, this will also mean the beginning of new entrepreneurial actions.

But one of the key questions is “How much does it cost me as an investor to enter the franchise”. The models are different, but there are also those in which the franchise owner invests in equipment, while the franchisee needs to provide, for example, space. But it’s not just about the amount of investment, it’s also about the amount of risk. Anyone who is willing to invest and at the same time has a proven business model and can reliably expect profit, then success is almost guaranteed.

I hope I gave you an idea for a new business!

It is known who will manage your accounting and finances.

Count on success.



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