Praznik rada / Labor Day

Svake godine prvog dana svibnja obilježavamo praznik rada. Poznata nam je priča o ustanku radnika protiv nehumanih uvjeta rada i borbe za ostvarenje boljih. Slavimo rad!

Slavimo vrijeme u kojem našu energiju usmjeravamo u proizvedenu vrijednost. Doprinosimo rješenju, gradimo uspjeh!

Ove godine želim se pozabaviti temom odmora. Naime u našoj kulturi i u našoj regiji u dane kada bi čovjek trebao uživati i odmarati mi uglavnom radimo, a posebice žene. Npr. imamo neku obiteljsku proslavu – žene kuhaju, pa peku, pa serviraju, a na kraju i čiste. Dolazi sezonska berba – uzimamo godišnji da idemo brati grožđe, za branje maslina, za berbu kukuruza, za pravljenje zimnice. Neke žene uzimaju godišnji da naprave generalno čišćenje kuće.

Rad, rad i rad ne doprinositi toliko našem životnom uspjehu koliko mi u to vjerujemo. Prije svega tajna leži u balansu.

Za uspjeh je prije svega potreban odmoran um i odmorno tijelo.

Primijetila sam da se ljudi ne znaju odmarati, a ne znaju se niti nagrađivati.

Ništa se neće desiti ako se na mjesec ili više mjeseci povučemo od suvišnog eksponiranja. Svijet će funkcionirati u tim mali druženjima i bez nas.

Ugađamo li drugima odlascima na sve na što smo pozvani? Znamo li ugađati sebi i ne ići gdje nam se ne ide?

Da bismo postizali svoje ciljeve potrebno je osigurati sebi dobre uvjete. Što pod time mislim?

Dobar uvjet je dovoljno redovitog sna, zatim kvalitetni redoviti obroci, pa plan godišnjih odmora na razini cijele godine. Jeste šokirani? Ne budite. Nakon što čovjek rezervira dane kada će se odmarati, ostatak vremena može fokusirano provoditi ostvarujući svoje snove.

Ne usudite se sanjati? Probajte si DOZVOLITI.

Svaki puta kada postignete neki svoj mali cilj – nagradite se. Kako da se nagradite? Onime što vas veseli. Za nekoga je to nova knjiga, za nekoga masaža ili dan u wellnessu, za nekoga kava u omiljenom kafiću, za nekoga novi komad nakita ili nova korisna aplikacija na mobitelu.

Za mene je najveći poklon sebi kada se nagradim znanjem – kada si platim novu online edukaciju kod osobe čije rezultate cijenim i koga prepoznajem kao uzor. A najveća nagrada za ovakav izbor je kada svoj život nadogradim novim navikama koje sam naučila na toj edukaciji.

Zaista svakim danom postajemo bolji u svemu što radimo i što znamo o životu i o biznisu do jučer!



Labor Day

Every year on the first day of May we celebrate Labor Day. We are familiar with the story of the workers’ uprising against inhumane working conditions and the struggle to achieve better ones. We celebrate work!

We celebrate the time in which we direct our energy into produced value. We contribute to the solution, we build success!

This year I want to tackle the theme of vacation. Namely, in our culture and in our region, on the days when people should enjoy and rest, we mostly work, especially women. For example we have a family celebration – the women cook, then bake, then serve, and finally clean. The seasonal harvest is coming – we take the annual leave to go pick grapes, to pick olives, to harvest corn, to make winter storage. Some women take an annual to do a general cleaning of the house.

Work, work and work do not contribute as much to our success in life as we believe. Above all, the secret lies in the balance.

Above all, success requires a rested mind and a rested body.

I noticed that people don’t know how to rest, and they don’t even know how to reward themselves.

Nothing will happen if we withdraw from excessive exposure for a month or more. The world will function in these small gatherings without us.

Do we please others by going to everything we are invited to? Do we know how to please ourselves and not go where we don’t want to go?

In order to achieve our goals, it is necessary to provide ourselves with good conditions. What do I mean by that?

A good condition is enough regular sleep, then quality regular meals, then a plan for vacations throughout the year. Are you shocked? Don’t be. After a person reserves the days when he will rest, he can spend the rest of his/her time focused on making his/her dreams come true.

Do you dare to dream? Try to ALLOW yourself.

Every time you achieve a small goal – reward yourself. How to reward yourself? With what makes you happy. For someone it’s a new book, for someone a massage or a day at the wellness center, for someone a coffee in a favorite cafe, for someone a new piece of jewelry or a new useful mobile app.

For me, the greatest gift to myself is when I reward myself with knowledge – when I pay for a new online education with a person whose results I appreciate and whom I recognize as a role model. And the biggest reward for this choice is when I upgrade my life with the new habits I learned during that education.

We really get better every day in everything we do and what we know about life and business until yesterday!



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